Monthly Dashboard

Total Sales

All Business Units RM 374M
To Date 78%

Booking-to-Sold Ratio

Total Conversion over Sales Booking 47%
Conversion 100%

Total Units Sold

Total 567
To Date 69%

Customer Satisfaction

Total 93%
To Date 100%
Average value of sales in the past month in: All Business Units
All sales: 576

Last 6-Month Sales Revenue (MYR)

The total sales revenue of top 5 business units
  • RM 92M

    Total sales in period
  • RM 58M

    Sales in last month
Updated on 27.02.2023 Analysis of sales: The value has been changed over time, and last month reached a level over RM50,000.
Overall Sales Analysis (This month)
Unit Booking


% Performance


Last month


Unit Sold (MYR)


% Performance


Last month




% Stats


Last month


Overall Defect Category by Business Unit

Customer Survey

Top Salesperson of the Month

# Sales Name Business Unit # Unit Sold Sales Amount (MYR)
1 Kar Yee Titan 15 5,486,000
2 Stephanie Tee Hanks 11 5,101,230
3 Vincent Wong Titan 8 4,801,000
4 Jasmine Ng Titan 8 4,712,000
5 Joyce Teng Hanks 5 3,122,000

Top Sales by Business Unit

# Business Unit # Unit Sold Sales Amount (MYR) Last Transacted
1 Titan 436 72,100,000 1 day ago
1 Hanks 471 72,100,000 2 days ago
3 Gamma 16 11,300,000 4 days ago
4 Manhattan 11 8,010,000 7 days ago
5 Apollo 8 4,100,000 15 days ago

Sales target Process

# Business Unit Sales (MYR) % Progress Days Remaining Remaining Sales
1 Titan 72,100,000
33 days left 80,000,000
1 Hanks 72,100,000
31 days left 75,000,000
3 Gamma 11,300,000
40 days left 21,800,000
4 Manhattan 8,010,000
21 days left 24,030,000
5 Apollo 4,100,000
12 days left 16,400,000