
Total Profit

All Business Units RM18M
Change 78%

New Feedbacks

Customer Review 1349
Change 84%

Units Sold

Total 567
Change 69%

New Customers

Total 276
Change 90%
Average value of sales in the past month in: All Business Units
All sales: 162,862

Half-year revenue margin

Sales marketing.
  • 2,346

    Total sales in period
  • 4,422

    Sales in last month
Updated on 27.02.2020 Analysis of sales: The value has been changed over time, and last month reached a level over RM50,000.
Data has changed
User activity
Pages / Visit

236 321.80

% New Visits


Last week


Pages / Visit

643 321.10

% New Visits


Last week


Pages / Visit

436 547.20

% New Visits


Last week


Custom responsive table
# Project Name Phone Company Completed Task Date Action
1 Project This is example of project Patrick Smith 0800 051213 Inceptos Hymenaeos Ltd 0.52/1.561 20% Jul 14, 2013
2 Alpha project Alice Jackson 0500 780909 Nec Euismod In Company 6,9 40% Jul 16, 2013
3 Betha project John Smith 0800 1111 Erat Volutpat 3,1 75% Jul 18, 2013
4 Gamma project Anna Jordan (016977) 0648 Tellus Ltd 4,9 18% Jul 22, 2013
2 Alpha project Alice Jackson 0500 780909 Nec Euismod In Company 6,9 40% Jul 16, 2013
1 Project This is example of project Patrick Smith 0800 051213 Inceptos Hymenaeos Ltd 0.52/1.561 20% Jul 14, 2013
4 Gamma project Anna Jordan (016977) 0648 Tellus Ltd 4,9 18% Jul 22, 2013
1 Project This is example of project Patrick Smith 0800 051213 Inceptos Hymenaeos Ltd 0.52/1.561 20% Jul 14, 2013
2 Alpha project Alice Jackson 0500 780909 Nec Euismod In Company 6,9 40% Jul 16, 2013
3 Betha project John Smith 0800 1111 Erat Volutpat 3,1 75% Jul 18, 2013
4 Gamma project Anna Jordan (016977) 0648 Tellus Ltd 4,9 18% Jul 22, 2013
2 Alpha project Alice Jackson 0500 780909 Nec Euismod In Company 6,9 40% Jul 16, 2013
1 Project This is example of project Patrick Smith 0800 051213 Inceptos Hymenaeos Ltd 0.52/1.561 20% Jul 14, 2013
4 Gamma project Anna Jordan (016977) 0648 Tellus Ltd 4,9 18% Jul 22, 2013

Application Sales

# Application Sales Change Avg Price Total
Vertex 2.0 Vertex To By Again 19,200
RM63 RM14,740
Metronic Powerful Admin Theme 24,310
RM39 RM16,010
Apex The Best Selling App 9,076
RM105 RM37,200
Cascades Design Tool 11,094
RM16 RM8,520
# Application Sales Change Avg Price Total
Loop CRM System 19,200
RM63 RM34,740
Selto Powerful Website Builder 24,310
RM39 RM46,010
Jippo The Best Selling App 9,076
RM105 RM67,800
Verto Web Development Tool 11,094
RM16 RM18,520
Make Metronic Great Again
Green Maker Team
Make Apex Great Again
A Programming Language
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuer edipiscing elit,sed diam nonummy euismod tinciduntut laoreet doloremagna
Dan Bold
3 days ago

Introducing New Feature

Anna Krox
UX/UI Designer, Google
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry scrambled it to make text of the printing and typesetting industry scrambled a type specimen book text of the dummy text of the printing printing and typesetting industry scrambled dummy text of the printing.
Sceduled Count Amount
16/13/17 67 RM14,740
02/28/17 120 RM11,002
03/06/17 32 RM10,900
10/21/17 130 RM14,740
01/02/17 5 RM18,540
03/06/17 32 RM10,900
12/31/17 201 RM25,609
Megan wrote
Hi Bob. What time will be the meeting ?
Hi Megan. It's at 2.30PM
Megan wrote
Will the development team be joining ?
Yes sure. I invited them as well
Megan wrote
Noted. For the Coca-Cola Mobile App project as well ?
Yes, sure.
Please also prepare the quotation for the Loop CRM project as well.
Megan wrote
Noted. I will prepare it.
Thanks Megan. I will see you later.
Megan wrote
Sure. See you in the meeting soon.
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