Group Dashboard - Sales & Marketing - MS SUITES KL

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Total Projects


Total Customers


Total Booked


Total Sold

Average value of sales in the past month in: Titan
All sales: 576

Last 12-Month Sales Revenue (MYR)

The total sales revenue of top 10 projects
  • Skyhawks - RM 71M

    Total sales in period
  • Sputnik - RM 67M

    Total sales in period
  • Sirius - RM 65M

    Total sales in period
  • Stratos - RM 58M

    Total sales in period
  • Rhinestone - RM 50M

    Total sales in period
Updated on 27.02.2020 Analysis of sales: The value has been changed over time, and last month reached a level over RM50,000.

Reason for Cancellation

Sales Pipeline

Recent Booked Unit

# Project Unit No. Customer Date Booking Booked By
1 Rhinestone #21 Nicholas Chong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Kar Yee
2 Skyhawks #B18-02 Lily Fong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Stephanie Tee
3 Sirius #A-04 Justin Lam 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Vincent Wong
4 Sputnik #31 Jasper Lim 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Jasmine Ng
5 Stratos #21 Nicholas Chong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Joyce Teng

Recent Sold Unit

# Project Unit No. Customer Date Booking Sold By
1 Stratos #21 Nicholas Chong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Kar Yee
2 Sirius #18 Lily Fong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Stephanie Tee
3 Sputnik #18 Lily Fong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Vincent Wong
4 Skyhawks #21 Nicholas Chong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Jasmine Ng
5 Rhinestone #21 Nicholas Chong 27 Feb 2020 09:08 PM Joyce Teng
Megan wrote
Hi Bob. What time will be the meeting ?
Hi Megan. It's at 2.30PM
Megan wrote
Will the development team be joining ?
Yes sure. I invited them as well
Megan wrote
Noted. For the Coca-Cola Mobile App project as well ?
Yes, sure.
Please also prepare the quotation for the Loop CRM project as well.
Megan wrote
Noted. I will prepare it.
Thanks Megan. I will see you later.
Megan wrote
Sure. See you in the meeting soon.
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